Tuesday, December 31, 2013

December 31, 2013

     Good morning. I am still sick. I had hoped that I would wake up this morning and feel better but that didn't happen. Cousin T is here with Mom, thankfully. I don't care how sick I am I am getting out of this house sometime today even if it is just to go to the convenience store to buy a soda pop. I just need to get away. I am planning on going back to sleep as soon as I get this wrote so I hope that I wake up feeling a little better. Tonight is the New Years Eve party at my sister's house. It is always a fun get together. But this year my husband has to work and I am not feeling well so I don't know if I will even go. We will have to see how I feel later on.
     Have a good day.

                                                   April Whitehair

Monday, December 30, 2013

December 30, 2013

      Good morning. Well I am sick. It started yesterday with a strange headache now I have accepted that I am sick possibly the flu not sure. Headache, head congestion, sore throat, all over body aches, fever, and upset stomach. Needless to say I feel like total crap. But Mom still needs taken care of so I am doing the best that I can.
     Yesterday cousin J stopped by and visited with us. I so hope my sickness was not contagious and I gave it to her. She dropped off a present from my prayer partner for Christmas. I must say that I am new to this prayer partner thing. I did it last year and I sent cards to my partner for each holiday and special day but I never received anything at all from the person that had my name. It really saddened me to think that someone had been given my name to pray for and send cards to, to show a special interest in their life but do it secretly, no one knows who has your name, and the person who had my name never sent me a single card. But this year I seem to have been given to a really great person. I have already been sent cards and now a present for Christmas. I never thought about sending a gift, wow. It makes me feel kinda special.
     Well I have wrote as much as my brain can handle this morning with this headache. Have a good day.

                                                             April Whitehair

Saturday, December 28, 2013

December 28, 2013

     Good morning. Yesterday my wonderful husband bought me the thing I needed to hook my new dvd player up to the tv, so now I can watch my Little House on the Prairie dvds. Oh but just my luck my favorite episode, the whole reason that I got the complete dvd set, doesn't work. But I called the company that I bought it from and they said they would send me a new one for free. I also tried out my new hand crank grinder yesterday on some popping corn. Well it didn't work as good as I had hoped. I think I need a stone grinder instead of a disk grinder but it will work on some things and it works good enough if I would need it to. 
     I got most of the Christmas decorations down and packed away. I still have the tree up but I think it will come down today. I am not a big fan of Christmas decorations probably because I don't like knick-knacks. When I first moved in here with Mom three years ago, she had like ten boxes of Christmas decorations plus the tree. To me that is way way to much stuff! I now have cut it down to four boxes and the tree. I have been moving away from the Santa-ish decorations and more toward Christ centered decorations. Isn't that the reason for the season anyway? Though I do continue to use the decorations that have sentimental attachment for my sisters and I even though they are not religiously centered.  And I did not get rid of the decorations of Mom's that I don't use I just keep it all packed away.
     My plan for today includes a lot of cleaning and laundry. Have a good day.

                                                         April Whitehair

Friday, December 27, 2013

December 27, 2013

     Good morning. Today feels like we are actually back to normal again. No Christmas prep, cleaning, baking, and shopping are all done. I do still have my tree up, I usually keep it up until the new year but yesterday my cat decided to climb it and knocked it down, now the tree looks strange and lopsided. I don't think I can stand looking at it for another day. I also hope to get back to taking my time writing this blog again. I know yesterday's post felt off to me but I didn't have time to rewrite it, now when I look at it I can see where there are things I was wrong about and lots of things I wanted to say that I didn't. Like I said all the family was here for Christmas lunch and that's wrong we were missing one granddaughter and four great grand kids. I tell you that it seems that everyone that is in this house in the mornings must think that when they see me sitting in front of the computer and typing that I am not doing anything and am free to have conversations. I can't talk and think and type at the same time and make any sense. During the summer it was easier because I could go outside and sit at the table on the porch and write but during the winter there is a lot less options to where I can write. I have given this some thought and you just maybe reading a post in the future that I have wrote sitting in the bathroom, it is the only room in the house that I can usually have some quiet time.
      Mom this year got mostly clothes for Christmas, she is very hard to shop for now days. She doesn't seem to get enjoyment from anything. I did get her a cute little nativity that I just think is adorable but she seen it she didn't even smile or respond in anyway when I showed it to her, other than disagree when I said it was hers' that she got for Christmas.
      My husband got several gifts for Christmas. I some how managed to get him three flashlights, oops! No, one I got him that is rechargeable and will be good do use around the house. The other two, well he needed a flashlight for work and I got him one but after I bought it I thought it was the wrong kind so I bought him a different one that I knew would work. But he said that both will work so now he has a back up anyways. He also got car seat covers and a new phone. My crazy sister M who I was talking to around Thanksgiving about my husband wanting one of those turkey fryer and I said there was no way he was getting one of those because you hear all the stories of men catching the house or  themselves on fire, well she decided that a turkey fryer would be a perfect Christmas gift for him, so now he has a turkey fryer. Thanks a lot sister M. LOL
     I told you some of the gifts I got in yesterday's post but I also got a tablet, a necklace and a dvd player. The necklace I bought myself at Kohl's during their black Friday sale. The dvd player for some reason wont work with the tv in the kitchen where I wanted it for. I got so upset last night when trying to hook it up to the tv that I called my sister A and had her bring down her son, a teenager, to hook it up for me. But he had to tell me that it wouldn't work unless I bought something else to connect it with, blah, blah, blah....... I don't know.
     Well I think I have said most of what I wanted to on yesterday's post. Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. God bless.

                                                            April Whitehair

Thursday, December 26, 2013

December 26, 2013

     Good morning. Hope everyone had a good Christmas. My Christmas was very good. I received a lot of presents most of which I asked for and a few that were surprises. My husband got lots of presents and so did Mom. Mom this year was unable to open her gifts by herself, she didn't understand why we were asking her to rip paper. Most of the gifts I received were prepper related, I got a hand crank wheat grinder, hand crank radio/light, a dehydrator all from my husband and my sister M got me a book on water bath canning.
     All my sisters and their husbands and kids came to lunch. We all ate way to much and laughed and had a all around good time. My sister M got all her sisters a diamond candle for Christmas. They have a ring in every candle worth between $10 and $5000. I lit mine as soon as I got it and the rest of my sisters lit theirs as soon as they got home. Well none of ours were worth $5000. But the excitement of waiting for the wax to melt to see what you get was fun.
     Cousin T is with Mom today. I am going to go get out of this house. Not sure what I am going to do except go to the dollar store here in town. I just want out of this house. It is snowing and I hope the roads are not to bad. I need to leave soon before they get worse.
      Have a good day.

                                                           April Whitehair

Monday, December 23, 2013

December 23, 2013

      Good morning. I got my new washer yesterday. I was like a kid at Christmas. It is just the basic cheapest washer but it is new and it is mine and I love it.
      Well this morning has not been a good morning so far. Mom had taken her teeth out sometime last night and her dog broke them. I could take her back to the dentist to try to get new ones made but the last time I had her there he said there would be no use making her new ones, they would not feel right to her and she, in her mental state, would not use them. So I guess she will not have teeth anymore. These may still work but I just can't get her to try them to see.
     Also she would not stand up this morning, I worked with her for an hour trying to get her to stand she just wouldn't do it. so I had to role her around on the bed to get her cleaned up and put her in the wheelchair to get her into the kitchen for breakfast. Which she ate cereal somehow without her teeth.
     I have so much to get done today. I need to finish cleaning for Christmas. I am not as worried about getting everything done like I was at Thanksgiving. It is what it is. This house is well lived in.
Have a good day.

                                                         April Whitehair

Saturday, December 21, 2013

December 21, 2013

     Good morning. Mom slept in this morning, now she is up eating her breakfast. Sister A stopped down and visited this morning. Mom may not be able to voice her enjoyment when visitors stop by but I know she loves seeing her daughters.
     Some of you that know me know of my aversion to condiments. Yes I freak out when ketchup or mustard or anything like that touches any one's skin. Well last night Mom was eating a hamburger and got mustard all over her hand and I had to leave the room. Yet again another reason why my husband is the most awesome husband ever, he cleaned her up and even washed out the dish rag he used to clean her with. I am not sure why I am so disgusted with condiments touching some one's skin, I can eat ketchup and mayo but if it touches my skin I have a mini panic attack. One time my husband and I were at a restaurant and they had the glass bottles of ketchup and he went to shake it up and the lid wasn't screwed on and ketchup went all over him. I just about died. He went to the restroom and cleaned off and every time he came out I would say go back you missed some. I think he went in and out of the bathroom 15 times before I could accept that he was clean enough. Oh my poor husband has to put up with me and all my issues.
      I am going to go try and get Mom to finish painting the ornament that we started painting the other day. Have a good day.

                                                   April Whitehair

Friday, December 20, 2013

December 20, 2013

     Good morning. Yesterday Mom went with cousin T to visit with aunt L. They had some girl time. Mom got her hair done and she looks pretty. I am so thankful for Mom having relatives like those ladies. She enjoys getting out of this house and hanging out with other women.
     Mom appears to be in a ok mood this morning, I may try to get her to finish painting her ornament that we started the other day. I hope she has a better time with it this time.
     Not much planed for today just cleaning, same old stuff different day. Have a good day.

                                                  April Whitehair

Thursday, December 19, 2013

December 19, 2013

     Good morning. Well yesterday Mom and I painted the salt dough ornaments that I had made the day before. At first I think I seen her smile and I was so happy that we actually found something that she could do and would enjoy doing. I began thinking of other things to paint. Then the next minute she was crying and I asked why she was crying and she said because she didn't know how to paint ...Then the next minute she was sucking the paint off the brush, good thing I bought non-toxic paint. She tried to paint for about 30 minutes and did not finish painting a 2 inch heart. I will try and get her to finish it tomorrow. I had so hoped that she would like painting, now yet again I will have to try and find something for her to do.
     Cousin T is here with Mom today. The weather is suppose to be nice and cousin T said she wanted to get Mom out of the house and visit with Aunt L. I hope Mom will cooperated and have a nice visit. I plan of going somewhere with my husband. Not sure exactly where but where ever he decided will be a good change from being stuck in this house all the time.
     Have a good day.

                                                    April Whitehair

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

December 18, 2013

     Good morning. I was able to finish Christmas shopping yesterday. I got everything I wanted to buy except for one thing I wanted to get for my husband but its ok he didn't ask for it anyway, it was just something I thought he might want. I got all the food needed for Christmas dinner and for the peanut butter pie I will be making. The only thing I can think of that I still need to do is get the money Mom gives to her grand and great grand kids.
     Yesterday I made salt dough ornaments that Mom and I are going to paint today. I hope that this will be something for her to do that she just may enjoy. I am not to sure though she doesn't seem to be in a good mood, I may wait a while and see if her mood will improve. I plan on wrapping the whole kitchen table with plastic wrap before we paint because I know we will get paint everywhere. I just hope she doesn't take it too seriously and cry like she did when I tried to get her to color in a coloring book.
      I have a lot of cleaning to do, I have been putting off cleaning because I knew that I would have to clean everything again right before Christmas. Now that Christmas is a week away I need to get started.
     Have a good day.

                                                        April Whitehair

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

December 17, 2013

     Good morning. Cousin T is here looking after Mom. Mom is being crabby and crying some this morning. Not sure the reason for it and neither does she, she says. Today I will be going and finishing up Christmas shopping, I hope, I need to get one more gift and food for Christmas dinner. Then I will be done hopefully. I need to go get ready to leave. Have a good day.

                                                   April Whitehair

Monday, December 16, 2013

December 16, 2013

     Good morning. It is a snowy, cold day. I am glad that I don't have to go anywhere even though I was sure there was something going on today, like an appointment or something but I guess not because I never got a appointment reminder call. So I thought maybe I was remembering, somehow, that today was my sister A and brother-in-law S's anniversary, I was really proud that I actually remembered their anniversary, but I checked her face book page and it says her anniversary is tomorrow. So now I am really confused, I guess there is nothing going on today. Anyway Happy Anniversary sister A and brother S, just in case I forget to say it tomorrow. I love the both of you and hope you too have many more happy years together.
     I got my seeds in the mail! I got Pepper cubanelle, Dill dukat, Cabbage charleston, Tomato delicious, and Endive broadleaf. I love seeds and every time I see that envelope in the mail box I feel like a kid at Christmas. I really don't know what to do with all these seeds. I will plant a few seeds of each kind and save the rest, I think.
     Mom had been crying some last night and this morning. I ask why she is crying and she says she doesn't know. She is good right now sitting at the kitchen table with me watching tv. She went with us to the church Christmas program on Saturday night. She did so well and I think enjoyed singing Christmas carols and watching the kids on the stage. She also enjoyed eating all the good food after the program.
     The church Christmas program was an interesting emotional experience for me. I decided not to participate or help with the program this year, I have been feeling stressed and didn't want to add to it. Also another big big reason I didn't want to participate was because I hate, hate talking in front of an audience. Even though I know everyone and am family with almost all of them, I still get extremely nervous. I have a hard time reading or just talking, I get all red faced and sweaty. No, I try to avoid speaking to an audience at all costs. But I must say sitting in the back of the room watching and not being apart of the program was very strange. I felt so left out.... I was sitting between my husband and my Mom and doing what I was suppose to do. I helped Mom stand when she needed to and sit when she needed to and find the right page in the song book and follow along when singing. I feel torn between taking care of Mom and being a church member. I just can't find the right balance.
     Another reason the Christmas program was emotional this year was because it was the last year for my niece and the other teens her age. They are seniors and will be adults next year.... There is a large group of teens all the same age as her and they have been such a blessing to the church. They now even bring their boyfriends and girlfriends to church and get them to participate in the program as well. They will all be missed greatly as they spread their wings and fly off to live their own lives. All hopes that they remember their home church and the lessons they have learned there over all those years of Bible school and Christmas programs and Sunday school. I hope they have hid in their hearts the songs and words that will help them when they need them the most. And I hope that they know that no matter how many years and events happen to pass, that they can always come home again to the little country church of their youth and they will always be welcomed with open arms and love that will never cease.

                                                              April Whitehair

Saturday, December 14, 2013

December 14, 2013

     Good morning. Mom is up eating breakfast, she seems wide awake this morning and in a good mood. I hope the good mood lasts at least until cousin T gets here to give her a shower for our outing tonight. Mom was a bit crabby yesterday and wouldn't let cousin T give her a shower.
     Tonight is the church Christmas program. It is always a fun time. The children and teens of the church put on a couple plays and always the nativity, readings are read and Christmas songs are sung, and last but not least Santa stops by and hands out candy and listens to the wishes of the children and adults alike, and presents are exchanged. Then afterwards we all head to my uncles for snacks and fellowship. A wonderful time is had by all.
     Some how I got talked into helping out with the program the last couple years, probably because I really don't know how to say no.... but really I enjoy helping whether it is cleaning the church or assisting in the play practices, sharing ideas and just joining in on the good times had by being around the youth of our community.  But this year I did it... I said no. I did feel very bad about it. With all the care Mom needs and the stress I have felt lately I just couldn't let myself take on anything else. I was going to help clean the church in preparation for the program but they did the cleaning after one of the play practices and I missed it. I do feel bad now that I didn't help at all. But I really wanted to just sit in the audience and watch like everyone else.
     The program is and has been led by my wonderful cousin J. She is such a role model for me. I will never become anywhere close to being a great Christian woman like she is but I try to follow her example.
     I need to go get things going. Have a good day.

                                                         April Whitehair 

Friday, December 13, 2013

December 13, 2013

     Good morning. I didn't sleep well last night, I just kept waking up. Mom slept through the night. Cousin T is here with Mom today. I plan on going somewhere not sure where but just out of this house. I have one more gift to buy for Christmas then I will be done so I may go try and get it.
     Christmas decorations are up except for the tree. I don't plan on putting up the tree till the day before Christmas eve. The cats love to play in and climb the tree. Last year they knocked the tree down at least once and broke several bulbs. Yes they are ornery.
     I need to get off here and get the day started. Have a good day.

                                                          April Whitehair

Thursday, December 12, 2013

December 12, 2013

     Good morning. Yesterday was a good day for Mom, cousin T got her up and out of the house and they went and visited with aunt L. Mom actually stayed awake and talked and smiled a lot while she was there. It is so good for her to get out of this house and do something. She gets tired of being around me all the time and needs a break every now and again.
     Today Mom has a doctors appointment, just a follow up from changing her meds. I am very happy with how she is doing on this new med and I hope that the doctor can see that it is helping her. It is so cold outside today, Mom and I both hate the cold, I plan on letting the car warm up for a long time before we have to leave.
     Not much else going on. Just got to get some laundry done. Have a good day.

                                                                    April Whitehair

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

December 11, 2013

     Good morning. Cousin T took Mom today to go visit her sister, aunt L. I am so glad to have cousin T here helping and doing things with Mom. Not sure what I will do today except maybe take a nap and maybe go to the store here in a little bit. Not much else going on around here so I am going to go try to find something to do. Have a good day.

                                                April Whitehair

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

December 10, 2013

     Good morning. Well maybe I should just say morning. Its snowy and cold out. My husband had to stay over at work which means that I had to take the trash out this morning. For some reason taking the trash out is one of my least favorite things to do and doing it on a cold snowy morning is even worse. When I have to take the trash out I will wait till the last minute like this morning I was finally putting the bags in the bin when the trash truck drove up.
     Cousin T couldn't make it this morning. She had an appointment today. Mom is up and already had her breakfast. She is so different now on this new medicine. Hopefully cousin T will be able to come tomorrow or maybe I will see if she can come Thursday and Friday. I have plans on Thursday to go help clean the church and I don't want to have to cancel and maybe by Friday the snow will be gone and I will be able to go and do something.
     I need to go get this day started. Have a good day.

                                                              April Whitehair

Monday, December 9, 2013

December 9, 2013

     Good morning. We had a very good weekend that I can now finally tell you where we went. My husband and I went to Pittsburgh for my husband's brother's surprise birthday party.  This is the first time meeting my new brother-in-law R, his wife, and their two daughters. We had such a good time it was well worth the drive. I hope we will be able to get these two brothers together again very soon.
     I could not imagine not seeing your brother for years and years. My family is thankfully so close in location and in heart. We seem to always be coming up with reasons to get together, holidays, family reunions, and birthdays, almost every month we will all be together.
     I also found out something, my brother-in-law R reads this blog. How cool is that! Hello brother R, if you are really reading this. I had never before this weekend met or talked to him but he had taken time to read my blog. But mostly I think he read it because he wanted to see who is brother was married to and also wanted to see how his brother was getting along. I do hope that by reading this blog he could see that I am a normal boring person. Just living my life the best way that I can and giving all the credit to whom it belongs, God.
     We had originally had planned to make this weekend a mini romantic vacation. Go to the party then get a hotel room and spend the night alone, relaxing and forgetting about all our responsibilities at home. Then driving home on Sunday. Well that did not happen as planned. My husband's aunt needed a ride and that changed our plans. Which I am now thankful for because we made it home just a little after midnight on Sunday morning and the roads were clear but if we would have stayed overnight in Pittsburgh and drove home sometime Sunday we would have been driving on snow covered roads. There was lots of accidents between here and there on Sunday. It all worked out and we made it there and back safe.   
     My sister M and brother G took care of Mom this weekend. Thank you guys for always being there for us when we need it. They both said that they could see a difference in Mom with the change in her medication. It appears to be working, she is sleeping at night and being nicer when she is awake. Hopefully no more mean Mom who spits and yells.
     I need to go get this day started. Have a good day.

                                                                April Whitehair

Saturday, December 7, 2013

December 7, 2013

     Good morning. Yesterday I could not get Blogger to load so I was unable to post anything. Thursday cousin T came to stay with Mom and I went Christmas shopping, I got everything I wanted to get except one thing that I will have to look for later. I met up with my cousin J and ate lunch at Denny's. We ordered way to much food and had to take some home. It was great getting together and talking. I barely made it home for cousin T to leave on time. Mom did better on her new med but refused to take a shower for cousin T. I was able to get Mom to stay awake to watch the live Sound of Music that was on tv that night, she ate popcorn and drank soda pop and watched tv till about 10pm. On the other med that would not have happened.
     Yesterday cousin T came down and was able to get Mom in the shower. We really wanted her to have a shower before she went to my sister M's for the weekend. They had a choir show to go to last night and they said she did good and was smiling and singing alone with the kids. Yet again an example that the new med is better than the old one. My husband and I was able to go out alone together yesterday. We ate at Hardee's and got a little shopping done at Walmart. My washer has been driving me crazy just one thing wrong after another. First the lid lock thing broke and brother-in-law S had to come down and rewire it then sometimes I notice that the agitator thing isn't working like I think it should then the other day I noticed that it wasn't spinning until I would start it by spinning the thing my self then it would take off and spin. So I decided I had had enough with that washer so we stopped at Lowes and picked out one. Did you know that most of the new washers these days don't even have an agitator post in them any more? I don't see how that would work. I did order the cheapest one and yes it has the agitator post but it does not have a liquid fabric softener dispenser but I decided that would be ok I will just use my Downy ball that I had from years ago. Now we wait for delivery. They were not able to deliver it till December 22, I hope my old washer can hang on that long. I wash way to much laundry to be without a washer.
     Today is going to be a busy day we must get ready for our trip out of town. I still can't say where we are going but I will tell you all about it when I post on Monday. My husband has been busy getting the car ready for a long road trip and hopefully the snow will hold off till we get back home.
     A special Happy Birthday to my sister H. Hope you have a wonderful birthday. Love you.
     I need to go get ready for a busy day. Have a good day.

                                                        April Whitehair

Thursday, December 5, 2013

December 5, 2013

     Good morning. Mom got a new sleeping medicine yesterday, it seemed to work she slept last night and was awake at 6am. Now she is already napping again. Cousin T is here looking after Mom today. I get to get out of this house. I am going Christmas shopping then meeting up with one of my cousins for lunch. I am so happy to have help with Mom. Even though I thought I could do it all by myself I finally realized that it is not possible. And that is ok.

                                                               April Whitehair

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

December 4, 2013

     Good morning. I was awake earlier this morning and ate a muffin that my husband made and drank two cups of coffee and was still so tired and decided to go back to sleep. Mom is still sleeping, she was awake a couple times last night. That increase in med made her sleep all day yesterday maybe her body will adjust to it soon.
     My car got fixed yesterday. It now has a new water pump and timing belt. We are planning a trip this weekend that I can't go into detail about till afterward and we are wanting to make sure my car will make it there and back safely. My sister M will be taking care of Mom this weekend. It will be a good mini vacation for us.
     I need to go try and get Mom up. Have a good day.

                                                                               April Whitehair

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

December 3, 2013

     Good morning. I didn't post yesterday and I got a couple calls checking in on me. I was ok, Mom just didn't sleep all that night so neither did I and I had to get up and go with my husband to take the car to the mechanic then I came home and went right back to sleep till it was time for cousin T to leave. By then it was already to late in the day to make time to post anything. I called Mom's doctor's office to ask about changing her sleeping med since it is not working and all they told me to do was increase the dose. She did sleep last night but I still don't like how the med makes her behave all hateful and mean. I will call the doctor's office again today and see if they will change it to something else.
     We had a nice visitor last night. Cousin J stopped down and talked for a while. I was so happy to see her. We sat around and talked for a few minutes. Mom also enjoys having visitors, she may not know who you are but she likes to be around people other than me.
     Well today I plan on working on Christmas cards. We have already received two. I need to get busy. Have a good day.

                                                            April Whitehair