Hello. My name is April. I am 33 years old. I live in the most beautiful state in the USA, West Virginia. I am very happily married to the best man in the world, Terry. About two years ago we moved in to my Mom's home because she had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's and she needed a little extra help. More about her and our life living with this disease in a later post. Neither myself or my husband has ever been blessed with children but that doesn't mean that our home is empty of love. We have fur babies! My mom has a Yorkie that she has had for more that three years. His name is Lucky. They are each others best friends and I don't know what they would do without each other.
We also have 4 cats. The oldest cat is Fuzzy. She is a stray that showed up on Mom's porch about ten years ago and never left. We have know idea how old she is. She was already fixed and an adult when she showed up. We as a family have never been able to turn down a hungry, scared and in need animal. We have another cat Blackie, whom I believe, if I have my story right, name was originally Angel. She was my niece and nephew's kitten, who live next door, but Mom with her Alzheimer's had trouble remembering her name so she started calling her the color that she is and it just stuck. Blackie had never been fix and had several litters of kittens most of her babies didn't make it. But her last litter Blackie decided to move in to my house while she was pregnant and gave birth to six and five lived. I was able to find good homes for three of them and kept the two boys, Bob and Itsy Bitsy. Blackie and her boys got fixed so no more babies for this house. Five fur babies is enough for us. My animals are truly like my children. Doctor appointments, special food and treats, and enough love that they in no way could ever think that they are not loved. Will have more on all my fur babies in a later post.
I am a happy Christian who loves to go to church and enjoys getting together with all my family and friends. Though I have been a Christian all my life I am just recently returning to the Christian way of life.
I am also a beginner prepper and a aspiring farmer. All of these things I hope to talk about in this blog. My baby steps into the prepper life and small land farming. I do hope that something that I may write about will help or inspire others. Please check back later to read my thoughts and hopes and dreams. I am sure I will share my good days as well as my bad days. I hope to make new friends and learn something about myself while blogging.
Write again soon.
April Whitehair
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