Sunday, June 9, 2013

Volleyball, Gravel, and The Raccoon!

     Good morning. Drinking my coffee and getting ready to go to church. Hoping that everyone stays asleep till I get out of the house. Mom woke us up at 3am crying, she had an accident. What a lovely thing to wake up to. I don't have much patience at 3 in the morning. Anyway she was taken care of and my wonderful husband was on mop duty since she woke him up also. Having a good husband makes all the difference in the world. I don't think I could handle things if he wasn't around.
     We got our gravel delivered yesterday. Two tons isn't much but it did half the driveway and that is what we needed to have done to start building the storage building. Which is the next project. My nephew had fun shoveling rock. We had it spread in about an hour.
     Volleyball last night was fun. We had a very large turnout. At least 37 that I can count this morning. But I am sure I have forgotten someone. Ages range from not yet 1 year old to 72. Not everyone plays, some like to sit around, talk, watch and laugh at us that play. There is always a funny fall or ball to the face, like from my sister to my face, and she was even on my team! It is always a good time. I actually scored a point for my team which never happens. I would suggest for any family to start doing something like this, it doesn't have to be volleyball, any kind of activity. Once you start you may have a couple that shows up but after a while more and more will show up and you will have a good time on your hands. Not everyone that shows up to our volleyball games are related some are family in our hearts. Teens bring their girl/boyfriends and there siblings. It is a good way to get to know them and for them to get to know us. Also it is a safe environment. They are not out driving here or there doing who knows what. Everyone comes by choice. It is always a good time.
     We have a raccoon that has decided to show up every night and eat the cat food off the front porch. He is very photogenic and not shy at all. I was worried that he might hurt Mom's dog or one of the cats if he got in a fight with them. So last night my husband set a box trap for him. It is a trap that does not hurt them, only traps them in a box. We figured we would catch a cat of two but didn't. He got the raccoon trapped and he will take him far far away and set him free. Hopefully he doesn't return. We are now thinking that he was what was knocking down Mom's bird feeder. But now I worry that he has a family and will miss them. Oh such girlish thoughts.
     I am putting up some photos of the raccoon and the gravel work. Hope you like them.
                                                                      The raccoon.
                                                               My husband and me!
                              My nephew hard at work. And the delivery guy and his grandson.

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