Monday, July 29, 2013

July 29, 2013

     Good morning. It is quite early. I just couldn't sleep any longer. Yesterday was a good day. All of my sisters stopped by and visited. All at different times. Of course I was cooking during my oldest sister's visit. I was frying fried green tomatoes for our lunch, which my sister couldn't help herself, she had to try a few. I think she liked them. Our lunch may have looked strange because it was garden lunch day. At least once a week I will serve only things picked fresh out of the garden. We had sweet banana peppers, cucumbers two ways (soaked in salt water and plain), and like I said before fried green tomatoes. We all got our bellies full. Mom will eat all the fried green tomatoes she can get. Each time I make them she will say, " I haven't had these in years."
     Garden is doing well. There are blooms just starting on the birdhouse gourd plants. Several sunflowers have opened. A few green beans. And lots and lots of sweet banana peppers and cucumbers. There is several blooms on the pumpkin plants but no baby pumpkins yet. And I noticed yesterday one bloom on the watermelon plant.
     I am thinking about joining a seed of the month club. It is roughly $40 a year. You get 8 packs of seeds the first month and 4 packs each month after that. They are all non-gmo seeds. If I started now I would have a nice variety by next year. I have been contemplating this for a while. If I would buy, only the packs of seeds that I want to grow, in the store they are $1.50 at least a piece. That would be more expensive but I would get only the ones I wanted. But with the club I would get seeds I may not want but I may try something new and like it. Plus non-gmo seeds are hard to find sometimes. That way I can save seeds for the next year. The plants I am growing now, their seeds will be useless next year because all but the lettuce is gmo and/or hybrid.
     I have a busy day today. I have a favor to do for my sister, then my husband wants to go play golf with a friend, so I will be busy at home. It seems like there is something I am forgetting. Hope it is not to important. Well we shall see. Have a good day.

                                                               April Whitehair  

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