Thursday, August 22, 2013

August 22, 2013

     Good morning. Boy I sure did sleep in this morning. We so need a new mattress, it is killing my back. Maybe that will be something we get ourselves for Christmas. And Christmas really isn't that far off.
     The garden is winding down. Tomatoes are done, cucumber vines are dying, bell pepper plants never did produce, probably one last harvest from the banana peppers, and sunflowers are dying. I am getting a lot of sunflower seeds. I wish they were not just decorative. I have decided that next year I will be growing some eatable sunflowers. If they grow as good as these do I will have lots and lots with in a couple of years. I am trying to decide between food or oil sunflowers. I may just try both.
The gourd and pumpkin plants have several babies. I am concerned that I started them a little to late. I just want a jack-o-lantern for Halloween. The lettuce has started to bloom, I will be collecting seeds soon.
     With me collecting so many seeds I need small paper envelopes. I didn't want to spend money, so I made my own with things I have on hand. Card stock and glue, held in place with clothes pins till the glue dried. They look ok, nothing fabulous but they don't need to be pretty to hold seeds. With all the seeds I think my garden will be huge next year. Or as big as I have land to grow on, which isn't much. I will be researching different ways to grow on small amount of land. Like growing in pots on the porch.
     I need to go get something done today. Have a good day.

                                                            April Whitehair

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