Friday, February 14, 2014

February 14, 2014

      Good morning. Happy Valentine's Day. With all the snow we received yesterday and with school being closed I didn't figure that Ms. M would be here today but last night she said that she was going to come so that my husband and I could get out of the house together and do something for Valentine's day. That is just awesome of her. I did tell her that if she starts out this morning and the roads are too bad then don't risk it and just go back home and I would understand. Not sure what my husband and I will do if we get to go out today but I am just glad that we get to spend some time together. He already gave me a card and some chocolates this morning and I gave him a card and made him a cake. I made him a heart shaped cake which is a tradition for us. On our first Valentine's day my husband tried to make me a heart shaped cake but he burnt it, LOL, but it was the thought that counted so now every year I make him one. I don't like to get roses or any kind of flower for Valentine's, they just die. It would be ok to get a plant of some sort or some seeds, that would be cool to me.
     I did get my seeds yesterday from the seed of the month club. I got carrot, melon, crimson clover, and asparagus. I am not sure about the clover unless it is to be eaten in a salad, I will have to look them up sometime. The asparagus is something that you can't eat till the second year so they are a long term kind of plant they also continue to come back every year. So I am not sure where I want to plant those.
     I seem to be getting better with this sinus infection that I have been fighting for a couple months. Sinuses feel ok but nose is still congested. Hopefully that will get better soon.
     I am going to go get ready for the day. Have a good day.

                                                       April Whitehair

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