Good morning. The weather lately has been confused. Warm, cold, warm, snow, and warm again. It is still only March, we still have April to go before it truly starts to warm up. I just can't wait to get outside and get something done. I want to dig in the dirt and prune some forsythia bushes. I want to plant things and get dirt under my nails. I want to sit in the sun and feel it's warmth. I want to open the doors and windows and air this house out. I want to go for a walk in the woods and see the sun shining through to leaves. I want to walk barefoot in the cool dewy grass of morning.
Thanks to my wonderful cousin, cousin J, I may just get a chance at milking a cow! It is something I need to so to earn a badge in the farmgirl club that I am in. I have never milked a cow before. I think cousin J may try to milk that cow also. Not sure but my husband might go along to be our photographer. This will be very interesting. To be honest, I have always been scared of cows. Well I have always been scared of any animal that is bigger than me. That includes horses also. I have been slowly trying to get over this. In a field next to my church there use to be a horse that would come up to the fence and want to get attention. All the kids would pet it, I would walk as far away from it as I could, even though I wanted to pet it also. One day I was outside alone and the horse was at the fence wanting attention and I gathered all my courage and petted it on the head. The world did not end. I survived. The horse did not trample me. I made a new friend. I hope to walk up to the cow the same way, but I will be doing more than just petting it on the head.
No helper with Mom today. I hope to have a good day and get some things done. I have been having headaches more often lately. I think I have figured out why even though I don't want to admit it. I think I need glasses. I have been doing a lot of embroidery, cross stich, sewing, and crocheting and all that looking at small thread, small needle, and small work surface has been very straining on my eyes. I get a headache after I work on my projects every time. Today I will try not to work on any of those things to see how my head feels. Though it will be hard not to pull out my embroidery project because I enjoy it so much.
Well Mom is awake and needing my attention. Have a good day.
April Whitehair
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