Thursday, April 24, 2014

April 24, 2014

     Good morning. First I will tell you about my opinion of a new restaurant my husband and I tried the other day. We had heard a lot of good things about Mia Margarita, the coal fired pizza oven place. Nice place in an up and coming location. The best part was the very nice and knowledgeable waiter, who help us make sense of the menu. The menu was in English but for us country folk it had words that we were not very familiar with. We just wanted your basic pepperoni pizza and a couple basic salads. He helped up order as close to that as we could. Their basic salad came with garbanzo beans, which we had him leave off, and two kinds of olives which my husband loved, I did not. My opinion of the meal was the salad, with a little modification, was good, not too big or too small. The pizza was good, not the best pizza I have ever tried but no where near the worst. (The best pizza award has to go to Chicho's Pizza in Virginia Beach. It would be very, very difficult for anyone to top their spicy sauce pizza.) The most fun thing at Mia Margaritas had to be the tray with the little spoons they bring out when you ask for red pepper flakes. The tray also has olive oil and Parmesan cheese. Would we go back probably not, not because it was bad but because we could get equally as good pizza and salad at a much better price at other pizza places around here.
     Guess what I got in the mail yesterday... Yes more seeds! The seed guy, the seed club I am in, sent me Squash, Chinese Cabbage, Corn, and Pumpkin(Curshaw). Yes curshaw pumpkin! Those are good to make pumpkin pies with. I had a couple years ago found a bag of curshaw seeds that Mom had saved from years before and tried to grow them without any luck. Also the other day my husband and I was at Kroger's at just the right time and seen tomato plants being loaded off the truck. They were the biggest, healthiest tomato plants from a store that I had ever seen. We had to buy one. I know GMO and non-heirloom but I decided I don't care because I wanted that plant. Also my husband who thinks I am crazy for having and getting more and more seeds and plants was in a convenience store and came across a package of onion sets and had to buy them for me. LOL. He may think I am crazy but I think he is becoming as crazy as I am.
     So I wanted to knock down the old cross-tie (railroad-ties)building and using any of the good cross-ties to rebuild the building to use as a chicken coop. The old building was used years ago as a chicken coop but was old and falling in and had bad, rotten cross-ties that needed to be removed. I hired cousin S to do all the hard, heavy lifting. He cleaned out the junk and knocked down the building yesterday. I knew it was going to happen but I was very sad to see it down. Today he came back and used the good cross-ties to rebuild a part of the new chicken coop. Now we just have to build the roof and the yard area. I am so excited to get this done and get chickens. I already have a couple people asking to buy eggs off me when I get them. I am so excited.
     I need to go get something done today. Have a good day.

                                                         April Whitehair

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