Tuesday, April 8, 2014

April 8, 2014

     Good morning. I sure am tired this morning. I slept good last night so I don't know why. I could go back to bed no problem at all, if I didn't have any responsibilities that is. Mom will be yelling to get up soon.
     It seems like its been a long time since I wrote, let me see if I can remember what I have done the last couple days. Well first my plants are doing good. Tomato and cucumber plants are doing wonderful now that I have moved them out of the mice's reach. By the way I think we may have gotten rid of all the mice. I still have mouse traps set up all over the laundry room just in case. I had planted a whole pack of lavender seeds and some had started to grow then they all died. I bought two more packs and started a few seeds from each pack in peat pots to see if they will grow. My husband thinks I have issues, like I am addicted to seeds. LOL! But I do think he is right. I can't go anywhere with out buying a couple more seeds. Yesterday we went to Lowe's to buy a couple blueberry plants (my husband wanted those) and I just had to stop at their seed display, that's where I got the two packs of lavender seeds and I bought a pack of wild flower seeds. I plan on planting those up by the rail trail. I got my seeds for this month from the seed guy the other day. I got Swiss Chard, Bush Beans, Peas, and Chervil. I now have several packs of green beans and peas, I can see a lot of canning in my future.
     Last night when I opened the back door to feed the cat I smelled a wood fire. I had to go investigate. My sister/neighbor had a small campfire in her back yard. Like a moth to a flame, I couldn't stay away. The first campfire of the year. I love the smell of wood burning. I could have set there all night just looking into the flames and feeling its warmth but life's responsibilities pulled me away. That short few minutes that I was there looking at the flames I think did something in my brain. Like a switch was flipped. I feel more energized, like the darkness of winter has lifted. Spring has sprung in my brain. Plus seeing two almost open tulip buds in my flower bed didn't hurt either.

                                                         April Whitehair

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