Tuesday, May 6, 2014

May 6, 2014


     Good morning. I would like to introduce you to the babies!!! I waited so long for them and I love them so much. They are such a joy to watch and spend time with. Each has their own personality that I am getting to know. 
                                          EMMA ! Emma is the runt. She may be small but she has the biggest personality. She is such a hand full. She is the lightest in color. She is the first one I have seen run around their tote/cage and launch off the log and try to fly.

                                          JOSIE ! Josie is considered my husbands. He chose her name. She is the darkest in color.  And the largest in size. She is the boss! She will boss everyone else around and no one is aloud to sleep unless she is. You can see in her top pic she has a enlarged crop, how her chest looks bigger on one side. The crop is the sack off their esophagus that stores their food till they are ready to digest it. She is a little pig, but so is all her sisters, all their crops are enlarged. I was worried about it at first until I learned what it was.
                                          CLOE ! Cloe and Cleo are very close to being twins. I named them Cloe and Cleo because I figured I would get them confused and mix up their names anyway. But now I can tell them apart. Cloe has a dark stripe on her head. She was the first to have pasty butt and needed a bath which she didn't seem to mind. Pasty but it basically just a dirty butt but if not cleaned it can block the vent and kill them. This is such a learning experience for me.
                                          CLEO ! Cleo is Cloe's twin except she doesn't have the dark stripe on her head. She has also had pasty butt and needed a bath. She seems to be the calmest and likes me to hold her and snuggle.
                               The girls just hanging out. I think they like to get their picture taken.
                                          EMMA and CLEO

     Today the girls are a week old and they got their first treat today. Strawberries! At first they didn't know what to do with it. I sliced it up real small and Emma took a piece and ran all around the tote and chirped really loud for a couple minutes before figuring out how to eat it. Then they all went crazy and started eating the strawberries. It was a feeding frenzy. Baby chick grit was added to their food along with the special food that my husband had bought for them. I think he is going to spoil them like he did the cats.
     Ok, ok, enough about the baby chicks. LOL. Saturday was the church rummage sale. We, church ladies, can have a good time no matter what we are doing. A lot of hard work but laughing together and at each other makes it a lot easier. Cousin J (SJL) thought it was sooo funny that I named my baby chicks, but boy do I have a funny story on her, which I won't tell.... Some things are best left untold, at least not on this blog. LOL. Mom was with us at the sale all day. She did good being up and around other people. I think she especially liked the Dairy Queen lunch and her caramel sundae.
     Well I need to go. My husband wants to start building the chicken coop and will need my help, umm or at least my bossing around. LOL, my poor husband is so confused about that chicken coop because I keep changing my mind and thinking up new ideas. We need to get the coop finished soon because it won't be long till those babies are all grown, they already have wing feathers and a couple tiny tail feathers. They are sooo cute!

                                                          April Whitehair  

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