Wednesday, October 30, 2013

October 30, 2013

     Good morning. Mom had a her follow up doctor appointment yesterday. We finally was able to see her regular doctor, we haven't seen her since before Mom's fall and fracture. It was so good to see a doctor who actually knew Mom and me and the progression of Mom Alzheimer's. She, Mom's doctor, had been out of the office for over a month, not sure why. She is such a good doctor, she actually listens which means so much to me. My main concern was Mom not sleeping. When Mom doesn't sleep neither do I. New sleeping med prescribed with an increasing dose. Started last night with the smallest dose and it didn't work but I am hopeful that as the nights go by and the doses increase it will work. Also a follow up on Mom's UTI, she still has it so new antibiotics ordered.
     Not much else going on around here. It was nice to get out of the house yesterday. I may try to get us out of the house even if it is just to drive around town occasionally. Just the change of scenery was a nice change, better than being stuck in this house all the time for the both of us.
     Have a good day.

                                                                  April Whitehair

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