Saturday, June 8, 2013

Getting the rock today!

     Good morning. Just got the call from the guy bringing the rock for the drive way and he is on his way. I am so happy to hear this. Finally we will be able to get the storage building built. My wonderful husband came home yesterday from his work trip out of town. I was so happy to see him. This house isn't a home without him. Even the cats started acting back to normal, playing and happy and all. They missed their Poppy. I must tell you that the only thing that my husband bought for any of us at home was a gift for Mom and her dog Lucky, it was a sign that says "A spoiled rotten Yorkie lives here." He is so funny. But it is true.
     I got to do the garden walk through this morning with my husband and our cats. Everything is growing and looking good. New slugs are around the watermelon plants. I don't think we will ever get rid of them.
     Mom and I had a nice visit with some of her relatives yesterday. After sitting around and talking for a while I offered to take them to Mom's twin sister's house so they could visit with her also. So we all loaded up and off we went. I think most of our visitors are more like city folk. I think they were surprised at the condition of the road. But we all made it and had a great time. Mom talked about it for the rest of the day.   
     I must go get ready for the rock to get here. Have a good day. 

                                                                     April Whitehair


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